Writing words down on paper can be one of the most powerful ways to improve our mental health. Writing words down gets them out of our heads and thoughts that were terrifying or overwhelming suddenly become manageable. The most cruel and harsh thoughts we have about ourselves can lose all of their power when we write them down. Getting thoughts and feelings down on paper can finally give us space for new thoughts and new feelings. We can experience hope and optimism instead of despair and self-hatred.
Writing can also help us face up to our emotions, and it allows us to process them. We can't hide from our feelings. Feelings don't go anywhere, but sometimes we are too scared to face them and end up using unhealthy strategies to avoid them. It is very hard to feel calm or at peace with ourselves when we have anger, fear, sadness or grief bubbling away just under the surface. Expressing our feelings in writing is a safe way to experience them. To write is cathartic; our emotions are released from our bodies and can find expression on the page.
Writing for wellbeing is one of the many tools I use with my clients, and many go on to use journalling or creative writing as a way to deal with life's challenges. It is also something I do myself, and to mark National Poetry Day 2024 here in the UK, I thought I would share this poem I wrote with you:
You were my gravity
keeping me grounded
feet on the earth
you were my captivity
keeping me heavy
my hands by my sides
now feel my energy
I keep myself floating
my heart's in the ocean
my head in the sky
For some tips on journalling: https://www.psychologies.co.uk/how-to-start-journaling-mental-health/