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A Covid Christmas, Could be Worse.


Christmas 2020 will go down in history as 'Covid Christmas'. Well, actually it will be a tiny footnote in history that might not even make it into future textbooks. This pandemic seems like a big deal, and for some it has meant tragedy and upheaval. But for many of us, my family included, the challenges have been relatively minor. Compared to the upheaval and destruction caused by wars, famines or floods, enduring a pandemic in an affluent, stable country like England is not really that big of a deal for some of us.

Having a sense of perspective is so important. Things can seem overwhelming, but if we remind ourselves what people have surivived throughout history it can make our own problems seem a lot more managable. We are never alone in our sufferring, whatever we endure hundreds of thousands of other people have endured before us. And if they can survive, then we can too.

Yes I missed seeing my parents at Christmas, and yes we've missed many celebrations with friends and family this year; but it is only one year of many and soon will just be a small footnote in the story of our lives.

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